Supporting my clients, making their lives that little bit better - more relaxed, more peaceful, more at ease with themselves and the world around them - is what inspires me every day.

Feeling beyond grateful for the love that's come back to me.

"Reflexology with Emma, what can I say other than beautiful, why? Because Emma has a true passion for her craft and cares deeply for the well-being of her clients. Its an amazing treatment, I suffer with several autoimmune + chronic conditions and Emma as not only helped me physically but mentally too. And as regards to the environment that Emma does her treatments, you really feel at one with nature. It's truly astonishing, it's a calm + peaceful oasis of total serenity. Emma is an Angel, serving human kind."

Lana Beynon

"Reflexology with Emma helps me in so many ways. She provides a warm, comforting, safe space where I can talk about or work through anything in my life that I might need to give attention or acknowledgement. Her insights have been invaluable. The treatments themselves are incredibly soothing & relaxing. Importantly they are also a rare opportunity for me - a single mum of 2 who works full time - to lie still, breathe and just be in the moment. I always leave the session with lighter and with a sense of calm. Thank you for all that you do Emma."

Pippa Wilson

"I thoroughly enjoyed my reflexology session with Emma yesterday. I came out feeling calm, relaxed and positive which is what I needed after having a difficult time recently. Emma was so caring and thoughtful and the setting was amazing. I’m so thankful to Emma for offering me the session and for sharing her love and kindness."

Annie Kitchen

"I came across Emma through a friend who was receiving reflexology from her. My interest was instantly sparked as I was looking to find something that would help me rebalance after a very difficult 4 years with poor physical health and then increased anxiety.

I needed something that would help me relax and restore the balance. Emma has the natural ability of making you feel completely comfortable so that you can be honest about what you are struggling with. There is no judgment, you are not dismissed. You feel validated and heard and even if the struggle remains it feels like less of a weight.

Emma always asks what you want from the session (I usually say I need to rebalance and relax because by the time it comes to my session I feel exhausted!) and focuses her treatment on that. She focuses very much on your wellbeing and re-engaging with those areas of your life where you find joy or happiness. She is helping me embrace my creative side and always encourages me to focus on time to myself, and how I can be more creative and expressive. Her advice is sensitive and helpful and reassuring.

I absolutely love her yurt! The smell of the Woodburner and the warmth from it, along with that feeling of being in the middle of nature is so relaxing. It's like a big warm cuddle! I feel completely at ease and leave the session renewed and energised to face the challenges ahead. I know I am changing how I see things and I am thinking about things differently and that's all down to Emma's coaching style and reflexology."

Rachael Humphreys

"“Having lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly to Covid, I was overwhelmed by grief and not able to function as I normally would. Not being able to sleep was a big issue as well as the inability to concentrate and make rational decisions. The new responsibilities I had to take on caused a lot of anxiety and I just wasn’t coping well.

I needed a way to release my tensions and anxiety. Emma was recommended by a friend who had used her reflexology service. Emma was so warm and friendly and I immediately felt comfortable with her. I liked her calm, holistic approach and she was able to offer some positive and practical advice. She helped me realise how important grounding and self care was for my healing and how looking after my health and well being was a priority.

Also practical things like decluttering my environment to enable my mind to be decluttered and therefore being able to function more positively and effectively. My confidence in making decisions and delegating has grown and Emma helped me realise I can do this.

Through reflexology, Emma also identified areas of my body which were causing issues and in need of attention. Breathing techniques are a major part of the relaxation process and with Emma’s support as s guidance, I definitely feel a lot calmer and more equipped to deal with my life now and any issues that arise x”"

Geraldine Copper- Price

"I have found things really hard in the last few months. I am tired, lethargic and lacking in motivation to do the things I enjoy. Sessions with Emma have been an amazing way to relax and reflect and I'm looking forward to the journey over the next few months when I will come through the other side of my current mood. If you think reflexology might work for you get in touch with her, you won't regret it"

Emma Davies-McIntosh

"I reached out to Emma for reflexology as part of my efforts to improve my mental health after struggling with anxiety and grief/trauma. I had decided to work on my self-care and take some time for me, and Emma’s services seemed to fit that criteria.

After just 1 telephone call I knew that Emma was a good match for me, and I felt that she really “got me”. In all honesty, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from having reflexology, but was open minded and keen to give it a try. As soon as we met in person for my 1st treatment, I immediately felt at ease in Emma’s company.

As a reflexology newbie, I was so surprised that the things Emma felt coming up for her & things that needed attention during my treatments, were so in sync with how I was feeling or experiencing in my day to day. During each session, Emma always holds space for me to talk & open up as needed.

She is an empath who has created this space that feels so safe and warm, making it comfortable to be vulnerable. Her yurt/bell tent is an extension of that too. It’s like a comforting bubble, with the sounds of nature helping to create this gorgeous Zen space.

I have been having sessions with Emma for coming up to a year now and they have become an important part of my self-care & mental health management. For me, it’s been a big part of what’s helped me remain consistent in my mental health & wellbeing journey, and if I drift from that and have a wobble, an hour with Emma brings me back & re-centres me.

I find my sessions calming, grounding, & comforting, they are the ‘me time’ that I need to reconnect with myself – I would highly recommend Emma to anyone."

Siriol Flynn

"I have been having treatments from Emma for almost 6 years, and through that time I have had 2 children. Because the treatments were in my house it was easier with babies and toddlers and I didn't have to worry about them.

When Emma told me about her move to the yert I was initially worried. How would this impact on my treatment? Where would the baby be while I had my treatment. Etc.

My mind put many issues in the way, but a few treatments on, and I have found a way that works for all of us. Lunchtime naptime is ideal. Toddler falls asleep on the car on the way to the yurt, I transfer him to his pram and he has a good nap and I have a nice relaxing treatment.

Emma has helped me change and develop into a mum of 1 and now 2 children. Giving me time and space to relax, unwind and be me for a short time. Thank you Emma!”

Katy Young

"Wow, what an amazing, relaxing reflexology session I had with Emma today. From the warm and friendly welcome to the cheerful goodbye I felt totally relaxed and cared for.

Her tent is warm and wonderfully inviting. Laying there listening to nature outside with the fire crackling and the soothing music gently playing is heavenly. It felt like I was all cwtched in and safe whilst Emma worked her magic on my feet and it was such a fabulous experience and exactly what I needed to switch off and just be in the moment. At times I felt like I was almost drifting off to sleep, that's just how relaxed I felt. Emma was spot on with her feedback/findings and explained everything very well.

I cannot recommend Emma enough, what she does is just extra special and I will definitely be booking more sessions with her."

Leigh Loftus