Todays Musical Artist That Inspired and Spoke Out to Me Growing Up

Todays musical artist that inspired and spoke out to me growing up when I just didn’t have a bloody scooby of why I was in this realm.

Sounds a bit drastic but when I became a teen my ADHD symptoms really took shape - they were always there but it was specifically when I became a teenager that the hardest parts of them shone through.

Not only did I have an influx of hormone changes that caused massive anxiety because my body was developing into an adult way before my brain had caught up, I was often seen as mature for my age socially but educationally I was still processing primary school.

I hated the constant changes of classrooms five times, I also found trying to make sure I could be at the right class was a big enough task.

Trying to filter the last lessons information then having to be on point for another tedious lesson where the focus was more on conformity than on engagement (from MY perspective) was excruciating for me.

I found having so many different lessons every day , flitting from one to the other, by the time I actually got my head around all the sensory overload of rammed hallways and packaged out, smoke filled toilets.

Crammed with girls zooming in on any fault in you they could find, more than enough to over stimulate my nervous system, that by the time I actually felt ready to learn the class was over. I was in constant survival mode.

I remember hearing Cornflake Girl and really connected. The song is actually about genital mutilation and how close family members would betrayal the girl by performing the procedure.

I wasn’t experiencing life to the same level, but I knew I was at heart open minded and multicultural.

For me in that moment I knew I learned and saw the world differently but externally I was always being guided to follow and conform with others “rules” in every possible aspect of becoming a woman /adult and it was hurting me feeling so caged and trapped, but I didn’t know how to follow my own path and trust my own way of learning.

It felt metaphorically mutilating to my innocent personality.

If there were awards for masking I would say I did a bloody superb job of acting as though I wasn’t suffering and would have been seen as a careless or carefree menace.

I knew I liked a multitude of different things, fashions, music, styles, etc. and even to this day have never completely ticked a box of one type of personality. I have many and only now do I love that.

But growing up I mimicked and masked trying to belong!

I kept very close relationships at arms length for protection. So although I was social I didn’t ever fully let my guard down - I did my best to fit in more so than be accepted.

I notice these traits are still there but I can see it now and remind myself I am safe to be me.

I hope this resonates with people

Huge love

Em x

“Never was a cornflake girl

Thought it was a good solution

Hanging with the raisin girls

She's gone to the other side

Giving us the yo heave ho

Things are getting kind of gross

And I go at sleepy time

This is not really

This, this, this is not really happening

You bet your life it is

You bet your life it is

Honey, you bet your life

It's a peel out the watchword

Just peel out the watchword

She knows what's going on

Seems we got a cheaper feel now

All the sweeteaze are gone

Gone to the other side

With my encyclopaedia

They must have paid her a nice price

She's putting on her string bean love

This is not really

This, this, this is not really happening

You bet your life it is

You bet your life it is

Honey, you bet your life

It's a peel out the watchword

Just peel out the watchword

Never was a cornflake girl

Thought that was a good solution

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, oh yeah

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys,

Where'd you put the keys, girl

And the man with the golden gun

Thinks he knows so much

Thinks he knows so much, yeah

And the man with the golden gun

Thinks he knows so much

Thinks he knows so much, yeah

And the man with the golden gun

Thinks he knows so much

Thinks he knows so much, yeah

And the man with the golden gun

Thinks he knows so much

Thinks he knows so much, yeah, yeah

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl, oh this time

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, oh yeah

Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl”